Sunday 3 February 2019

Golang control statements

We are going to explore Go lang control structure, this is not covering all the control statement but you can refer control-structures from effective go to get all the details.

Refer to index page for all the content written so far.

One thing that i like about control structure is that it is very easy to understand.
Focus on readability is clearly seen .

If statement
Go lang author managed to removed extra bracket in if statement, it looks something like 

if x > 10 {
fmt.Println("I am gt ", x)
} else {
fmt.Println("I am lt ", x)

Another variation that includes initialization and condition both  

if value := time.Now().Weekday(); value == time.Sunday {
fmt.Println("Yahoooo.. today is sunday")
} else {
fmt.Println("Lets get back to work. I hate", value)


Switch Statement
Switch case has few variations 

Simple one
value := 10
switch value {
case 10:
fmt.Println("Value is 10")
fmt.Println("Some other value than 10")


With No expression
switch {
case value >= 10:
fmt.Println("Value is gt 10")
case value >= 20:
fmt.Println("Value is gt 20")


Switch with multiple condition in single case

specialValue := '@'
switch specialValue {
case '@', '!', '#':
fmt.Println("This is special value")
fmt.Println("This is normal value")


Switch with type assertion 
Type assertion can be only done using switch case using variable.(type) expression.

var t interface{}
t = "James"
switch t.(type) {
case int:
fmt.Println("Int value", t)
case string:
fmt.Println("String value", t)


Has only one type of loop(while) and it can be used for all the purpose.

C/Java like
It has init, condition,post section.

value := 0
for counter := 0; counter < 10; counter++ {


Just condition
value = 0
for value < 10 {


Infinite (with no condition)

for {
if value > 10 {


Smart loops
This is useful when dealing with arrays/map/channels

days := []string{"Sunday", "Monday"}
for index, value := range days {
fmt.Println("Index ", index, "Value ", value)


range keyword is very power full it works with all the collections types.
Another thing i like about golang is that compiler helps with lot of common error for e.g unused variable are compiler error, so below example is error because index is not used.

days := []string{"Sunday", "Monday"}
for index, value := range days {
fmt.Println("Value ", value)


It is possible to ignore the value by using "_" for eg

days := []string{"Sunday", "Monday"}
for _, value := range days {
fmt.Println("Value ", value)


Sample used in this post is available @ 003-statement github repo

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